ENROLLMENT CLOSES AT 11:55 pm EDT On September 23rd!

Take complete control of your money in 100 days  

Stop stressing about your finances. Build a budget that works. Start saving for the future.

We'll help you get ahead with your money in the next 100 days. 

Enroll Now

Tired of always feeling behind with your money?

Is your budget restricting you from doing what you love? Or worse, are you completely lost with your money because you can't keep a budget at all?

I'll walk you through my step-by-step process for creating a budget that works for your unique situation.

Whether you want to get debt-free, save for your kid's college, or retire to the beach... I'll help you build a budget that gets you there.




Enrollment Is Closing

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Lisa Fox

This program has helped me in more ways than I can count, truly! Creating and sticking to a budget, debt pay down, and I've found most helpful the community Nick has cultivated here and how that supports my transforming relationship with money and my mindset overall! Thank you Nick!

At the end of 100 days, you'll have:

📈 A Complete Financial Picture

  • You'll know exactly where your money comes from, where it goes, and how to make it grow.


🧭 A Plan For Hitting Your Big Financial Goals

  • Use a repeatable process to set and achieve your goals. Learn to use money as a tool to live your unique adventure - whether that’s spending more time with family, traveling the world, or donating more of your time and money to the causes you care about most.


😄 Peace of Mind

  • Break the paycheck-to-paycheck cycle so you can stop stressing about everyday expenses and focus on what actually matters to you.


✉️ A Budget You Enjoy

  • Spend and save money in a way that reflects your priorities.

  • Spend more money on the things you truly care about.


🔃 Budgeting Habits You Can Stick With

  • Establish a personalized, realistic budget that’s easy to understand and manage.


Enroll Now

3 Pillars of The Ahead In 100 Program

Step-By-Step Curriculum

We'll guide you through our 3-step process that has helped hundreds of students build a budget and get ahead with their money.

Personal Coaching

Join our expert hours small group coaching calls to get personalized feedback, and hand-holding through your trickiest questions. 

If you can't make it to a call, just send us an email. You've got unlimited email access to Nick, the other coaches, and the rest of the support team.

Private Group and Q/A Sessions

Chat with and learn from your fellow classmates + encourage each other in the private group.

Show up on Mondays & Thursdays for live Q/A to get all your questions answered.

Program Curriculum

The class is divided into 5 modules, with short easy-to-digest videos to keep you moving. After each module is released you'll have an extra implementation week to practice and solidify the concepts you've learned. 

In each module, you'll focus on a new set of tactics and tools to help you get ahead with your money. 

Are you ready to stop stressing over your budget and actually get ahead with your money?

Enroll Now

Why Budgeting Hasn't Worked For You In The Past

(And how Ahead In 100 will help you finally budget once and for all)



Obstacle #1: Generic Advice Doesn't Work

Anyone can watch a YouTube video, read a book, or listen to a podcast about money. But the problem is you only hear what's worked for the person giving the advice. And you aren't like them. Or everyone else. You're unique.

Ahead In 100 teaches you how to create a plan that is unique to your needs. We coach you through building a budget perfectly suited to your personal situation.


Obstacle #2: Budgeting Tools Are Complicated

No matter how many tutorials you watch, Facebook groups you join, or questions you send to support - you can't seem to make the software work for you. I get it, trust me, I've been there.  

Ahead In 100 provides a "paint by numbers" approach to using YNAB and setting it up in a way you can understand. And as you have questions (and we know you do!), we'll be there every step of the way to answer them and keep you moving forward. 


Obstacle #3: Lack Of Accountability

Even the most self-disciplined people struggle from time to time and need help staying on track. This is true for fitness, careers, and of course, finances. You don't have to do it alone. 

Ahead In 100 surrounds you with personal coaches and other students to ensure you're on track towards your financial goals. 

In James Clear's book Atomic Habits he says: 

Nothing sustains motivation better than belonging to the tribe. It transforms a personal quest into a shared one. Growth and change is no longer an individual pursuit. The shared identity begins to reinforce your personal identity. This is why remaining part of a group after achieving a goal is crucial to maintaining your habits. It's friendship and community that embed a new identity and help behaviors last over the long run.

This is what Ahead in 100 does for you. 


Obstacle #4: Building A Budgeting Habit Is Hard

It's one thing to set up a budget, it's another thing entirely to stick with it every day. Life gets in the way, and those good habits fall by the wayside.  

Ahead In 100 guides you through building budgeting habits you can maintain long-term. Over 100 days, we'll help you ingrain these habits so you can succeed with money for the rest of your life. 


Obstacle #5: You're Busy And Budgeting Takes Time

If you're like our previous students, you're busy and don't have time to spend hours and hours on your budget (and you don't need to!). 

Ahead In 100 teaches you how to manage your money with a system that takes less than 10 minutes a day.

30-Day Money Back Guarantee

I feel confident that if you participate in this class, you WILL get ahead with your money and be on track to achieve goals you previously thought were impossible.

That being said, we have a “YOU AREN'T AHEAD WITH YOUR MONEY 100% MONEY BACK GUARANTEE!” If you purchase Ahead In 100, attend the Q/A sessions, submit your homework, and do not feel your financial life is starting to show significant improvement in the first 30 days, we WILL give you ALL of your money back. No questions asked.

There will be no pressure to stay enrolled or to continue working with us.

Enroll Now

Travis H.

The YNAB interface wasn't intuitive and I was having trouble understanding how the budgeting rules worked. Through my coaching call with Nick, I figured out how to budget incoming money and allocate it appropriately. Because of Nick's coaching, we finally know what we're spending each month! Without his help, we would still have no idea what our monthly spending looks like. Also, we caught a $240 UberEats fraudulent charge on our card because of a correctly setup YNAB, so his service paid for itself!


(The average student saves $400 in their first month)


4 payments of $325

Or pay in full for $1,299

Only 7 slots remaining

Lifetime Access To The Following

✅ Course Curriculum

✅ The Ahead In 100 F.A.Q. Vault

100 Days Access To The Following

✅ Community Area

✅ Live Group Q/A Calls

✅ Live Small Group Expert Hours

✅ Coaching support and Budget Review

✅ Unlimited Email Support

✅ 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee

✅ Three 1:1 (40min) coaching calls with your personal coach



4 payments of $175

Or pay in full for $699


Lifetime Access To The Following

✅ Course Curriculum

✅ The Ahead In 100 F.A.Q. Vault

100 Days Access To The Following

✅ Community Area

✅ Live Group Q/A Calls

✅ Live Small Group Expert Hours

✅ Coaching support and Budget Review

✅ Unlimited Email Support

✅ 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee

❌ Three 1:1 (40min) coaching calls with your personal coach


What Previous Students Have To Say

Amanda Mittman

Thank you, Nick, for truly changing my life.

This course came at the right time, when I was ready to take a hard look at my finances and make changes. You presented the information in such a way that was not judgmental in any way, and I appreciate that.

The mindset and values piece that was such a big part of this program really sets this apart from any other program out there.

Thank you!

Caroline Vidican

Hi Nick,
The end of the three months is approaching. I just wanted to say again how much I have appreciated this great course, how much extra serenity and understanding it has given me, and what great, competent, caring people you and Hanna are.

I really got the feeling that, although this is your business and the money we pay is important to you, you really care about us completing the course properly, and about us as people. I am grateful for that, so rare nowadays.

Keep safe and well, I hope to have further contact in the future.
Best wishes, Caroline

Dave Disheroom

I’m just amazed at the level of peace and sense of agency that your program has brought me. There is such a difference between simply tracking your expenditures versus knowing exactly how much, where and why you are spending that money.

I think I alluded to this before, but I think the synergy of YNAB & A100 & the power it gave me finally elevated me into the realm of “Adulthood”. And I believe Guild is helping to elevate the “adult-me” to discover and nurture the best within myself.

Jake Sparks

The biggest success for us started with mindset.

Shifting from tracking our money to truly planning our money. We started by being able to plan for our youngest daughter and now we have been able to get 2 months ahead and feel comfortable operating there. Truly letting our finances work toward our goals is a game changer. Before I wasn’t even using targets correctly and now our life vision doc and YNAB allow us to do so much more than we thought. We still get stressed of course but at the end of the day we can truly say we are working toward our goals and our finances are also working toward those same goals.

Another win that has come from this is that me and my wife are working TOGETHER in all of this. At first I was approaching everything all wrong but by going through A100 together and seeing how it was able to change things for us has allowed us to be able to now sit down together and plan out where we want to go as a family, and then put that into action. We are far from perfect but man have we come along way!!

Laura Jimenez

Hey Nick!

Just a note to say it's been about 4 years since I took your course and have been using YNAB. A lot's happened since then!

I now have 4 AirBnbs; $50,000 in the bank; am about to buy my first commercial property where we're going to build a multi-million dollar glamping site; and because of YNAB, I have clear insight into how my real estate portfolio is performing. I'm able to cash flow every month and have enough set aside for all of the costs.

A lot of this is because of what I learned in your course and my faithful use of YNAB.

Keep doing what you're doing. You're making a positive difference in peoples' lives!


Lisa Fox

This program has helped me in more ways than I can count, truly! Creating and sticking to a budget, debt pay down, and I've found most helpful the community Nick has cultivated here and how that supports my transforming relationship with money and my mindset overall! Thank you Nick!

Nuria Wicksman

I feel much more comfortable and confident using YNAB. For the first time ever, I'm excited about personal finance and feeling in control of my money.

Because of A100, I achieved what I originally set out to do (get 3 months ahead in my budget), and much more. I aligned my spending with what matters to me, which lead to cutting away mindless spending on clothes, stationery and board games, in order to save for an amazing trip to Ireland, start saving for retirement and hopefully buying our first condo this year.
- Nuria

Zenon and Tysan Dolnyckyj

Working with Nick True at Mapped Out Money is 100% the best money we have ever spent.”

- Zenon and Tysan Dolnyckyj from Tyzen Fit.

Amber Steckel

A100 has without a doubt changed the course of my life, only in a positive way! Financially - on the personal side I now have healthcare, have started putting a little money into my retirement and giving, and for the first time in my life can stick to my budget over the long term.

On the business side, I now pay myself an income and the entire foundation for my business is more solid. Nick also gave me an exercise that helped me avoid what would have been a gigantic financial mistake that didn't align with my needs. Mentally / emotionally - one of the biggest is I now believe in myself to handle my money well! I had a number of limiting beliefs around shame, worthiness, and receiving money - all of those areas have majorly shifted through doing the mindset work and being in community with others who prioritize their finances.

This has been one of the most challenging but fulfilling years of my life. I can't believe how much stress I was carrying around for almost two decades with my finances in disarray. It's still a work in progress, but it feels amazing to have so much more mental peace around money.

A100 is the best community of support and I know this is the reason I've finally been able to stay consistently on top of my finances. It's so nice not to be alone anymore!
- Amber

Lori Wholter

Joining Ahead in 100 was quite a leap of faith! While I was familiar with YNAB and Nick True from recommendations and YouTube, this type of group was out of my comfort zone and my husband was not interested. Fast forward 3 years and here I am loving the group, the experience, and my husband is on board!

I came into the group with a basic understanding and active working budgets in YNAB, after spending several years independently trying to figure it out. Always wondering why this seemed so difficult.

As an Ahead in 100 newbie I soon learned the mechanics of YNAB were not the most important aspect of this budgeting activity. I did not need to be an expert. With Nick and the group to guide me through the technical stuff this is where the budget started to become interesting and purposeful, and that's when the magic happens!.

Ahead in 100 has taken me, and my husband, from being basic budgeters to being life planners! The missing piece in budgeting was the Vision and Purpose in the world of spending.

While likely the most challenging part of the course, Vision and Values, these are invaluable and the keys to success. This is what changed my husband's point of view. Reflecting changes in how we speak about money and how we spend our money. Seeing this basic, mundane, activity called budgeting, come to life as a Spending Plan that now reflects our desired lifestyle! Amazing!

Because of the way this course has been developed, and the support of Nick and the group, we now have a Spending Plan that is reflective of a lifestyle that we love! We are now confident that as life happens this Spending Plan can and will evolve because we have the foundation needed for the long haul!

Eric & Sandy Farrar

Eric - I feel like I have a much better handle on our finances in general. For a long time I sort of had a "general idea" of how much money we had, until one day when I realized how much more we were spending than we realized. Ahead in 100 and Guild has provided the impetus and accountability to track and budget and as a result I feel so much more in control.

Sandy - I'm much more at ease with our finances and feel like we're on a better footing to face the next phase of our life financially based on our values and goals.

Mary Alouette

Hi Nick,

I just wanted to share an update on my finances, all thanks to committing to prioritize my finances and receiving your help.

I reached my goal of paying off my personal credit card by my birthday! It’s at $0.00. Everything associated with my move across the country, apartment, car, and personal travels is cleaned off my plate. I feel free and clear. Now I can focus on doing less but better as I pay off business investments on my biz credit card and student loans.

In April, I had 3 different unexpected car situations plus routine maintenance. All of this totaled $1K. I had more than enough in emergency savings for the unexpected situations and money in my budget for the routine maintenance. Emergencies? No sweat. No stress. Boom. Covered. Peace.

Thanks for your help! Stay rad.
- Mary

Ramona Putnam

Hi Nick, It has been a while! I took your money workshop starting March 2019, and just wanted to let you know how much help it has been to my family. My debt at the time was $27,000 (actually went up to 28,000 by end of year..not sure what happened). Two years later, my debt is down to $6,228, and I plan to pay that off by early spring. Your course and YNAB has been such a big part of that. Thank you so much for all that you do.

Thanks again. Wishing you and Hanna all the best!

Shirley Hunter

I joined the program at the beginning of my divorce a little over 2 years ago. At 63 years old I was facing the fact that, after a 35 year marriage where I had allowed my ex-husband to handle all the finances, I knew very little about what had been going on. Needless to say, I was in complete overwhelm. So my interest initially was simply to figure out what my budget was going to be, how to allocate it and manage it from month to month in order to stay solvent.

It took about 6 months to really begin to intuitively understand and use YNAB to track my money which helped ground me in a sense of agency and gave me the mental space to begin to build my new life and to begin to examine my money mindset. You can sort your budget out, but if you don’t address what makes you tick - all the hidden beliefs and patterns that run in the background - you can easily find yourself falling into bad habits.

Looking back it’s been a huge task but I’m delighted to say that, two years on, not only am I rocking my budget, but I’m becoming ever knowledgeable and clearer about all aspects of my financial life - budgeting, taxes, investments. It’s an ongoing process but it’s completely worth the peace of mind that I now have and I couldn’t recommend it more.

Tracy Fulkerson

I had struggled with budgeting in the past because it wasn't something I was ever taught. I invested in the program You Need A Budget (YNAB) and unsuccessfully tried to master it. Several times! I ran across Nick True's YouTube videos and saw quickly that he had a handle on what I wanted to learn. When I saw that he was offering the Money Mastery class I initially declined. Once again I beat my head against the budget wall. When I decided that the class might just be worth it I signed up.

I am sincere when I say that he answered all my questions and taught me a way of looking at YNAB and the budgeting process that made sense to me. Nick's understanding of people and budgeting methods makes him a great teacher. He has passion and enthusiasm for his work and his students.

I have saved several times the tuition cost in less than 45 days using what was taught in those sessions.

With his help budgeting for me is now very liberating and comforting. It is not the constrictive task master I always mistakenly thought it to be. 5 stars and huge thank you to Nick and his Money Mastery Class.


Money Mastery Class Student: KC​

"It literally changed our lives, we've been married for 20 years and we never talked about money. When we have talked about money in the past, it gets really stressful. And now for the first time, we are finally talking about money without stressing out about it."


Money Mastery Class Student: Trary​

"It was so awesome. I got stuck and there were a couple of roadblocks and Nick went into my budget and helped my understand what was going on and how to fix it... the class is worth every single penny and I've saved tons of money because of this class."


Money Mastery Class Student: Kojo​

"What was most valuable for me was the idea of really taking a closer look at myself and figuring out what I want to do and getting specific about it. The YNAB stuff was great, but I got a lot from the introspective lessons." 


Money Mastery Class Student: Laura

"I've had so much peace of mind over the last three months because I know where my money is... I'm not checking my bank account to know whether to spend or not, I'm checking my budget."


Jennifer M.

Because of Nick's support, I have been able to consistently spend only what I have. I have shifted how I make decisions regarding what I spend, as I no longer want to use my credit card to make purchases. It has felt reassuring to know that I can reach out to him at any point for support. I know that because of his coaching, and my personal decisions, I will continue to succeed with YNAB and my finances in general. I highly recommend Nick as a coach!

Money Mastery Class Student: Robyn

"The course has made a huge difference to my life. If you want greater control and certainty over where you're spending money, this is the course to do." 


Money Mastery Class Student: Aquila​

"I really appreciated the way that he came to the class with the perspective of priorities and putting every line item in the budget through the lens of the priorities which really helped me focus and streamline my budget. I was already a user of YNAB, but I really liked that I could step back and look at it through fresh eyes to make sure that my budget was working best for me."


Money Mastery Class Student: Kim​

"We started using YNAB about six months ago, but really needed help to learn the ins and outs and how to make it work best for our family and situation. Nick has a heart to really see people get a handle on their budgeting." 


Money Mastery Class Student: Taylor​

"It was amazing. Life-changing and I'm not just saying that. You get to do this face-to-face so you're really in it with everyone else in the class. I would recommend this class to anybody who's looking to better their finances."


Frequently Asked Questions


(The average student saves $400 in their first month)


4 payments of $325

Or pay in full for $1,299

Only 7 slots remaining

Lifetime Access To The Following

✅ Course Curriculum

✅ The Ahead In 100 F.A.Q. Vault

100 Days Access To The Following

✅ Community Area

✅ Live Group Q/A Calls

✅ Live Small Group Expert Hours

✅ Coaching support and Budget Review

✅ Unlimited Email Support

✅ 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee

✅ Three 1:1 (40min) coaching calls with your personal coach



4 payments of $175

Or pay in full for $699


Lifetime Access To The Following

✅ Course Curriculum

✅ The Ahead In 100 F.A.Q. Vault

100 Days Access To The Following

✅ Community Area

✅ Live Group Q/A Calls

✅ Live Small Group Expert Hours

✅ Coaching support and Budget Review

✅ Unlimited Email Support

✅ 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee

❌ Three 1:1 (40min) coaching calls with your personal coach


Enrollment Is Closing

Enroll Now









Still Not Sure?

If you've made it this far and still aren't sure if Ahead In 100 is right for you, I'm not sure what else I can tell you.

But I can say this: I'm personally invested in making sure this is the best investment you've ever made. 

And if you have any questions or concerns at all, email me at [email protected], and I'll help you anyway I can. 

Thanks for considering Ahead in 100. I hope to see you in class! 
- Nick